Love Took Me To France

In this episode, I have a chat with Karen French, (yes- that’s really her last name) who started learning French when she went to live with her husband in France. Let’s listen in as she shares her unique journey about learning French on the fly while living in France. You’ll also learn about the challenges she encountered along the way.

Show Notes: Speaking and listening colloquially is different than when it is written down. When you speak and listen, you understand what gets pronounced and what doesn’t. Some nuances can make it harder to get your point across. The R sound in French is very difficult, but it is the consonant most pronounced in the French language.

Lessen the doubt and increase confidence by studying and practice. Jump into it and figure it out as you go. Knowing how you learn is very important because it lessens the stress.

What type of learner are you? Do you learn things on the fly like Karen? Or do you need more structure like learning in a classroom? Let me know by becoming an Insider! Insider membership is FREE.


Episode 17: We're Moving Out


Episode 15: The Paris VS. Grenoble Debate